Keeper of the Crystals: Eve and the Hidden Giant
AUTHOR : Jess BlackILLUSTRATOR : Celeste HulmeKeeper of the Crystals 6: Eve and the Hidden GiantEve is back in Marigold for the holidays. While out bushwalking Eve, Oscar and Ingvar happen upon a strangely shaped rocky outcrop. It looks like a giant’s chair and when Eve sits in it her hand touches upon a small crystal in the shape of a giant embedded in the rock. Suddenly a huge wind comes out of nowhere and lifts them up. It carries them to the land of giants. The wind which brought them was blown by Trotag, a young giant caught between two worlds. All is not well in the land of giants, for the rogue giants buried under the ground are rising up, causing havoc, creating volcanoes and earthquakes. The creator giants don’t know what to do for their world, the world they took so much care in making, is being destroyed.
Keeper of the Crystals is an adventure fantasy series full of secrets and mystery. Eve and Oscar, two unlikely friends, accidentally tap into the power of crystals. They are thrust into different and dangerous worlds where unicorns, tigers, dragons and panthers communicate with people and where native communities and their way of life are under threat. What are the secrets of the crystal keeper and why does Eve have these powers?AGE : 6 - 8 yearsRELEASE DATE : 1st March 2018
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