Jenny Moore
adults. She was the first ever UK winner of the Commonwealth Short Story
Competition and was shortlisted for the Greenhouse Funny Prize. Her numerous
children’s books include Audrey Orr and the Robot Rage which was selected by the
Reading Agency for the 2020 Summer Reading Challenge. Jenny read English at
Cambridge University and holds an MRes from the University of Strathclyde.
Jenny Moore is a freelance writer from Devon, writing for all ages from toddlers toadults. She was the first ever UK winner of the Commonwealth Short Story
Competition and was shortlisted for the Greenhouse Funny Prize. Her numerous
children’s books include Audrey Orr and the Robot Rage which was selected by the
Reading Agency for the 2020 Summer Reading Challenge. Jenny read English at
Cambridge University and holds an MRes from the University of Strathclyde.
Books by this Author